The availability of the system is validated through the simulation of the area and six representative cities about Geometric Dilution Of Precision ( GDOP) and N Asset Coverage. 通过对所选区域及六个有代表性城市的几何精度衰减因子(GDOP)和可见星数进行仿真,验证了系统的可用性。
Asian institutions 'dissatisfaction with the amount of personal attention they receive from their asset managers is a clear reflection of the coverage models used by investment management firms in the region, said Abhi Shroff, Greenwich Associates consultant. GreenwichAssociates顾问AbhiShroff表示:亚洲金融机构对其资产经理给予的个人关注数量感到不满,这清楚地反映了这一地区投资管理机构所采用的覆盖模型问题。
The society in the future is of knowledge-based economy, under the condition of which intangible asset accounting has to make innovations: to enlarge the coverage of intangible assets; 未来社会是知识经济的社会,知识经济环境下,无形资产会计必须创新:应该扩大无形资产的确认范围;